AAT Bioquest

Tyrode's Solution, Acidic Preparation and Recipe

To prepare  L of Tyrode's Solution, Acidic:
Change the value in the textbox above to scale the recipe volume

Table 1. Required components
Sodium chloride (mw: 58.44 g/mol)8 g0.1368 M
Potassium Chloride (mw: 74.55 g/mol)0.2 g0.002682 M
Calcium chloride dihydrate (mw: 147.01 g/mol)0.24 g0.001632 M
Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate (mw: 203.30 g/mol)0.1 g0.0004918 M
Glucose (mw: 180.16 g/mol)1 g0.00555 M
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) (mw: 40000 g/mol)4 g0.0001 M
  1. Prepare 800 mL of distilled water in a suitable container.
  2. Add 8 g of Sodium chloride to the solution.
  3. Add 0.2 g of Potassium Chloride to the solution.
  4. Add 0.24 g of Calcium chloride dihydrate to the solution.
  5. Add 0.1 g of Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate to the solution.
  6. Add 1 g of Glucose to the solution.
  7. Add 4 g of Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to the solution.
  8. Add distilled water until the volume is 1 L.
  9. Prepare at room temperature and adjust to pH 2.5 with Analar HCl (BDH). The PVP is added to increase viscosity and reduce embryo stickiness. Filter-sterilize and store in aliquots at -20?C. Acidic Tyrode?s is also available from Sigma and Specialty Media.

Physiological Buffer
pH Buffering
Sample Preparation
Cell/Culture/Growth Media
Gel Electrophoresis


This online tool may be cited as follows


"Quest Calculate™ Tyrode's Solution, Acidic Preparation and Recipe." AAT Bioquest, Inc.12 Mar2025https://www.aatbio.com/resources/buffer-preparations-and-recipes/tyrode-s-solution-acidic.


AAT Bioquest, Inc. (2025March 12). Quest Calculate™ Tyrode's Solution, Acidic Preparation and Recipe. AAT Bioquest. https://www.aatbio.com/resources/buffer-preparations-and-recipes/tyrode-s-solution-acidic.

This online tool has been cited in 1 publications, including

Interference in drug assay by phytochemicals: An experience with colorimetric assay of amlodipine in physiological fluids
Journal: Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2023): 2327--2332