Fluorimetric Measurement of Glucose-6-Phosphate

G6P dose responses were measured with Amplite® Fluorimetric G6P Assay Kit in a 96-well black plate using a Gemini (Molecular Devices) microplate reader. As low as 0.3 µM G6P in a 100 µL reaction volume can be detected with 1 hour incubation.
AAT Bioquest's Amplite® Fluorimetric Glucose-6-Phosphate Assay Kit provides a simple, sensitive and rapid fluorescence-based method for detecting G6P in biological samples such as serum, plasma, urine, as well as in cell culture samples. In the coupled enzyme assay, the G6P concentration is proportionally related to NADPH that is specifically monitored by a fluorogenic NADPH sensor. The fluorescence signal can be read by a fluorescence microplate reader at Ex/Em = 530-570 nm/590-600 nm (Ex/Em= 540 nm/590 nm is recommended). With the Amplite® G6P Assay Kit, we were able to detect as low as 0.3 µM G6P in a 100 µL reaction volume.