AAT Bioquest

What are the differences between separating gel and stacking gel?

Posted July 31, 2024


Basis of differentiation 

Stacking gel

Separating gel


Is a low concentrated polyacrylamide gel used in SDS-PAGE technique to concentrate molecules into a tight band, readying them for separation in the separating gel

Is a highly concentrated polyacrylamide gel used in SDS-PAGE technique to separate molecules based on size, revealing the composition of the sample

% of polyacrylamide in the gel

Has a lower percentage of polyacrylamide - about 4%, leading to larger pore sizes

Has a higher percentage of polyacrylamide – around 10% resulting in smaller pore sizes and finer matrix 

Pore Size

Has larger pore size that enables rapid movement of proteins and helps proteins concentrate at the interface with the separating gel

Has smaller pore size that restricts the movement of proteins, promoting separation based on molecular weight


Has a lower pH of 6.8

Has a higher pH of 8.8


Is placed on top of the separating gel

Is placed at the bottom of the gel electrophoresis container


Gives lower resolution 

Gives better


To line up and stack proteins into a tight band, so they can enter the resolving gel at the same time

To separate proteins based on molecular weight

Additional resources

Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and western blotting analyses via colored stacking gels

Gel Electrophoresis

Gelite™ Safe DNA Gel Stain *GelRed Alternative, 10,000X in DMSO*