ReadiLink™ Rapid XFD647 Antibody Labeling Kit *XFD647 Same Structure to Alexa Fluor™ 647*
XFD647 is manufactured by AAT Bioquest, and it has the same chemical structure of Alexa Fluor® 647 (Alexa Fluor® is the trademark of ThermoFisher). Readilink™ protein labeling technology is the most robust and convenient tool for preparing fluorescent antibody conjugates used for fluorescence imaging and flow cytometry applications. ReadiLink™ Rapid XFD647 Antibody Labeling Kit provides the most convenient tool for making XFD647-labeled antibody conjugates. XFD647 dye used in this ReadiLink™ kit is reasonably stable and shows good reactivity and selectivity with protein amino groups. The kit has all the essential components for labeling ~2x50 ug antibody. Each of the two vials of XFD647 dye provided in the kit is optimized for labeling ~50 µg antibody. ReadiLink™ Rapid XFD647 Antibody Labeling Kit requires minimal hands-on time. The prepared XFD647 conjugates (with the kit) are ready to use for fluorescence imaging and flow cytometry applications without further purifications needed. It provides the most convenient method to prepare XFD647-labeled antibodies.
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View all 10 references: Citation Explorer
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Authors: Bauch, Martin and Dostalek, Jakub
Journal: Optics express (2013): 20470-83
Authors: Bauch, Martin and Dostalek, Jakub
Journal: Optics express (2013): 20470-83
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Authors: Ying, Lai-Qiang and Branchaud, Bruce P
Journal: Bioconjugate chemistry (2011): 865-9
Effects of ozone exposure during microarray posthybridization washes and scanning.
Authors: Byerly, Steve and Sundin, Kyle and Raja, Rajiv and Stanchfield, Jim and Bejjani, Bassem A and Shaffer, Lisa G
Journal: The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD (2009): 590-7
Authors: Byerly, Steve and Sundin, Kyle and Raja, Rajiv and Stanchfield, Jim and Bejjani, Bassem A and Shaffer, Lisa G
Journal: The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD (2009): 590-7
Page updated on March 11, 2025