AAT Bioquest

iFluor® 350-dUTP *1 mM in TE Buffer (pH 7.5)*

Dye-modified deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphates are widely used for the production of dye-labeled DNA via conventional enzymatic incorporation techniques, including reverse transcription, nick translation, random primed labeling, and PCR. These enzymatic fluorescence labeling methods are commonly employed in both fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes and microarray-based experiments. The iFluor® 350-dUTP conjugate, which emits blue fluorescence, is compatible with the SpectrumBlue™ filter set (SpectrumBlue™ is a trademark of Vysis). Compared to commonly used blue fluorescent dNTPs such as AMCA-6-dUTP, iFluor® 350 provides a significantly brighter signal, greater photostability, and is less affected by pH variations.


Product family

NameExcitation (nm)Emission (nm)Extinction coefficient (cm -1 M -1)Quantum yieldCorrection Factor (260 nm)Correction Factor (280 nm)
iFluor® 350 maleimide3454502000010.9510.830.23
iFluor® 350 amine3454502000010.9510.830.23
iFluor® 350 hydrazide3454502000010.9510.830.23
iFluor® 350 Styramide *Superior Replacement for Alexa Fluor 350 tyramide*3454502000010.9510.830.23
iFluor® 350 Tyramide3454502000010.9510.830.23
iFluor® 440-dUTP *1 mM in TE Buffer (pH 7.5)*4344804000010.6710.3520.229
iFluor®488-dUTP *1 mM in TE Buffer (pH 7.5)*4915167500010.910.210.11
iFluor® 560-dUTP *1 mM in TE Buffer (pH 7.5)*56057112000010.5710.04820.069
iFluor® 350 acid3454502000010.9510.830.23
iFluor® 532-dUTP *1 mM in TE Buffer (pH 7.5)*5375609000010.6810.260.16
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View all 50 references: Citation Explorer
Lanthanide Complex for Single-Molecule Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization and Background-Free Imaging.
Authors: Su, Fei and Chen, Shiyu and Liu, Yuanhua and Zhou, Jiajia and Du, Zhongbo and Luo, Xiongjian and Wen, Shihui and Jin, Dayong
Journal: Analytical chemistry (2024): 4430-4436
CircHIPK3 promotes bone microvascular endothelial cell proliferation, migration and angiogenesis by targeting miR-7 and KLF4/VEGF signaling in steroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head.
Authors: Peng, Peng and He, Wei and Zhang, Yi-Xi and Liu, Xiao-Hua and Chen, Zhen-Qiu and Mao, Ji-Gang
Journal: Advances in clinical and experimental medicine : official organ Wroclaw Medical University (2023): 43-55
The Long Noncoding RNA Gm9866/Nuclear Factor-κB Axis Promotes Macrophage Polarization.
Authors: Liao, Xiaomin and Ruan, Xianxian and Chen, Xiubing and Zheng, Biaolin and Wu, Xianbin and Deng, Zhejun and Yang, Zhe and Wang, Feng and Qin, Shanyu and Jiang, Haixing
Journal: Mediators of inflammation (2023): 9991916
Inhibition of PLA2G4E/cPLA2 promotes survival of random skin flaps by alleviating Lysosomal membrane permeabilization-Induced necroptosis.
Authors: Lou, Junsheng and Wang, Xiangyang and Zhang, Haojie and Yu, Gaoxiang and Ding, Jian and Zhu, Xuwei and Li, Yao and Wu, Yaosen and Xu, Hui and Xu, Huazi and Gao, Weiyang and Xiao, Jian and Zhou, Kailiang
Journal: Autophagy (2022): 1841-1863
LINC01234 Accelerates the Progression of Breast Cancer via the miR-525-5p/Cold Shock Domain-Containing E1 Axis.
Authors: Yu, Jia and Zhang, Xinxin and He, Rongfang and Yang, Xiaoyan and Hu, Juan and Tan, Fang and Yao, Jinyu and Lei, Xiaoyong and Wen, Gebo
Journal: Disease markers (2022): 6899777
Page updated on September 24, 2024

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Physical properties



Spectral properties

Correction Factor (260 nm)


Correction Factor (280 nm)


Extinction coefficient (cm -1 M -1)


Excitation (nm)


Emission (nm)


Quantum yield


Storage, safety and handling

H-phraseH303, H313, H333
Hazard symbolXN
Intended useResearch Use Only (RUO)
R-phraseR20, R21, R22


Freeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure