What is the biological role of carbohydrates?
Posted August 26, 2024
Carbohydrates play many vital biological roles in different organisms:
Primary source of energy: The primary biological role of carbohydrates is energy production. Glucose, a simple sugar, is crucial for the synthesis of ATP, which is the main source of energy for cells.
Energy Storage: Excess glucose is stored as starch in plants and glycogen in animals and used for future energy needs.
Cell Communication: Glycolipids and glycoproteins that are present on cell surfaces play a critical role in cell recognition and signaling.
Genetic Information: Ribose is a key sugar in RNA and deoxyribose is a key sugar DNA.
Immune Function: Carbohydrates on the surfaces of pathogens are involved in initiating immune responses.
Digestive Health: Dietary fibers in carbohydrates support digestion and gut health.
Structural Support: Cellulose in plant cell walls and chitin in fungi and arthropods contribute to structural stability.