AAT Bioquest

What are the differences between dilution and concentration?

Posted May 6, 2022

Basis of DifferentiationDilutionConcentration
DefinitionIs the process of decreasing the number of solutes per unit volume of solutionIs the process of increasing the number of solutes per unit volume of solution
How it can be chaievedCan be achieved either by adding more solvent to the solution or by removing some of the solutesCan be achieved either by adding more solutes to the solution or by removing some of the solvent
Concentration of aqueous moleculesContains a higher concentration of aqueous moleculesContains a lower concentration of aqueous molecules
How it affects the color of the solution In colorful solutions, the more dilute the solution, the lighter the color – this is because a diluted solution contains a lesser number of solutesIn colorful solutions, the more concentrated the solution, the darker the color – this is because a concentrated solution contains a higher number of solutes
Additional resources

New method of tracing blood hemoglobin concentration to hematocrit ratio for monitoring plasma dilution and osmotic origin shifts in blood

Dilution Calculator

DNA Concentration Calculator