AAT Bioquest

What are the cons of exosome precipitation isolation techniques?

Posted July 21, 2023


Exosome precipitation isolation techniques involve using an aqueous solution to facilitate exosome aggregation followed by precipitation using low-speed centrifugation.

Cons of exosome precipitation isolation techniques: 

  • Lower purity and specificity because of potential co-precipitation of soluble non-exosomal proteins
  • The efficiency of exosome precipitation may be compromised by a number of different factors include sample conditions, exosome characteristics, and specific reagent used
  • Exosome properties such as size, surface markers or cargo molecules may be altered during the precipitation process, affecting functionality and downstream applications. 

Most exosome precipitation isolation techniques are followed by additional purification steps such as density gradient centrifugation or filtration to remove any contaminants present and obtain a purer exosome sample.

Additional resources

Principles and Problems of Exosome Isolation from Biological Fluids

DiOC16(3) perchlorate [3,3-Dihexadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate]

DiR iodide [1,1-dioctadecyl-3,3,3,3-tetramethylindotricarbocyanine iodide]