AAT Bioquest

What are the commonly used cell proliferation assays in current research studies?

Posted September 11, 2024


Cell proliferation assays in current research studies include:

  1. Click-iT EdU and BrdU Assays are methods used to detect newly synthesized DNA in cells that are actively dividing using nucleoside (EdU) into newly formed DNA. They are used to study cells during the period when these analogs are present. 
  2. CyQUANT assays measures changes in cellular metabolism and metabolic indicators. It detects the total amount of DNA or cellular protein, which reflects the number of cells. 
  3. MTT assays determine the metabolic activity of cells by measuring how they process a dye (MTT). The dye turns into a colored product in living cells, which can be measured to determine cell viability. 
  4. XTT assay is similar to the MTT assay but uses a different dye (XTT). The dye turns into a colored solution when processed by live cells, making it easier to measure cell activity. 
  5. ATP concentration assays measure the amount of ATP inside cells. Since dead or nearly dead cells have very little ATP, these assays help determine cell proliferation by showing how many cells are alive and active. 
Additional resources

What is a Cell Proliferation Assay?

Cell Proliferation Assays

MTT Assay

Cell Meter™ Cell Proliferation Assay Kit