AAT Bioquest

What's the relationship between GFP and EGFP?

Posted November 14, 2022


EFGP is a variant of wild-type GFP, with a higher intensity emission when compared to GFP. As its name states, EFGP (Enhanced Green fluorescent protein) is an enhanced, engineered form of GFP. They both also act as internal chromophores, as they both bioluminesce the color green. Both GFP and EGFP do not require any accessory enzymes/substrates, or biochemical material to fluoresce its color. Thus, both are used as reporters of expression in molecular biology.

Additional resources

The enhanced green fluorescent protein as a tool for the analysis of protein dynamics and localization: local fluorescence study at the single-molecule level

Purified Rabbit Anti-tagged fusion proteins in all species GFP Antibody *PAb (476), monoclonal*

Purified Rabbit Anti-GFP Antibody *Polyclonal*

Extinction Coefficient [EGFP]

Spectrum [EGFP]