What is the significance of lithium?
Posted October 17, 2023
Lithium is a metal which possesses low density, and high-energy-to-weight ratio. It is highly reactive (as it easily loses its outermost electron), allowing it to readily generate current flow through a battery. It is able to hold large amounts of energy in rechargeable batteries for electronics as well as electric vehicles. This metal is also used in non-rechargeable batteries for medical devices such as heart pacemakers, cardiac defibrillators, drug pumps, and neurostimulators. Lithium is also used in non-rechargeable batteries in everyday items such as flashlights and clocks. This metal is an essential part of daily lives, and the use for it will be increasing even more as demand for electric vehicles has gone up in recent years. Lithium can also be given in the form of a pill to treat bipolar disorder. It is also being studied for potentially treating Alzheimer’s. Lithium is also the lightest metal in the world, making it ideal for use in cell phone batteries as well as cars which require multiple batteries.
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