What are the limitations of fermentation?
Posted February 8, 2024
Fermentation is an anaerobic process in which an organism releases energy from glucose even in the absence of oxygen.
Limitations of fermentation include:
- Introduction of undesired microorganisms increases the risk of contamination, resulting in lower yields or impure products
- The need for specialized equipment and can increase the costs
- Energy-intensive operations and the need for stringent conditions increase energy consumption
- The multifaceted nature of microorganisms can result in unexpected and undesirable end products
- The end product is often impure and has to undergo further purification treatment
- Microbial cultures are likely to exhibit natural variations over time, potentially compromising the quality and consistency of the end product
- Undesirable or contaminant microbes may also grow and multiply in some fermentation setups, outcompeting the desired microbes, resulting in altered product profiles or lower product yields
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