AAT Bioquest

What are the differences between coding and noncoding DNA?

Posted July 20, 2022

Basis of differentiationCoding DNANoncoding DNA
DefinitionRefers to DNA sequence that contains protein-encoding genes Refers to DNA sequence that does not encode for proteins
Percentage of total genome in organismsMake up around 1% - 2% of the total genome in most organismsMake up around 98% -99% of the genome in most organisms
CompositionComposed of exons (coding sequences) and introns (DNA regions with no known function)Composed of regulatory elements, repeating sequences, pseudogenes, introns, and telomeres
SynthesisUndergoes transcription to synthesize mRNAsUndergoes transcription to synthesize regulatory RNAs including rRNAs and tRNAs
FunctionEncodes for proteinsProvides sites for the binding of transcription factors to regulate gene expression
ImportanceProteins encoded have functional, regulatory, and structural importance in the cellEssential for regulating gene activity
Additional resources

Asymmetry of coding versus noncoding strand in coding sequences of different genomes

Portelite™ Fluorimetric High Sensitivity DNA Quantitation Kit *Optimized for CytoCite™ and Qubit™ Fluorometers*

DNA and RNA Quantitation