AAT Bioquest

How do I interpret the results of southern blot?

Posted May 2, 2024


The results of Southern blot are visualized as bands on the membrane. These bands represent DNA fragments of various sizes. To determine the size of these fragments, their relative lengths are compared to those of DNA bands with known sizes. When a probe hybridizes with specific DNA on the membrane, it indicates that the probe possesses a complementary sequence to that DNA fragment. If the probe hybridizes with a single undigested DNA fragment, only one band will appear on the final blot. However, if the probe binds to multiple similar sequences, multiple bands will be observed.

Additional resources

Southern Blot- Definition, Principle, Steps, Results, Applications

Western Blotting Assays

Gel Electrophoresis

Gelite™ Green Nucleic Acid Gel Staining Kit

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