AAT Bioquest

How do I decrease plasmid production time and cost?

Posted May 17, 2024


There are several methods to decrease plasmid production time and cost. One way is to maintain organized records to efficiently access and utilize resources. This enables researchers to build upon previous work or borrow reagents. Another way is to reach out to the PI or corresponding author of a published paper for obtaining free plasmids. One can also utilize repositories to facilitate the quick and cost-effective sharing of materials. They eliminate the need to create plasmids from scratch by providing access to existing ones. Additionally, creating multiple plasmids simultaneously (high-throughput work) can significantly reduce costs associated with reagents and consumables. Although high-throughput work offers efficiency, it may limit flexibility in experimental workflows. One can also use a different cloning technique such as Gibson assembly, which is faster compared to traditional methods. 

Additional resources

Plasmid purification – strategies and costs

Gene Expression Analysis & Genotyping

StrandBrite™ Green Fluorimetric RNA Quantitation Kit *High Selectivity*