What is the difference between Exome Sequencing and Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)?
Posted February 16, 2022
Whole Genome Sequencing
- Sequences the complete DNA of an organism, including coding and noncoding nuclear DNA as well as mitochondrial DNA
- Does not require a capture step, which is necessary in exome sequencing
- Can uncover variation in any part of the human genome
- Enables researchers to generate vast quantities of data, which can then be analyzed
- The goal is to look for genetic aberrations such as single nucleotide variants, insertions, and deletions
- Requires more sequencing reagents and generates very large datasets that require sophisticated bioinformatics expertise to decipher, increasing the cost and time required for analysis
Exome Sequencing
- Targets and sequences only coding regions of the genome, referred to as the exome
- Capture-based method
- Exomes can be sequenced at much greater depth (the number of times the nucleotide is sequenced), which provides more confidence in low frequency alterations
- Requires fewer sequencing reagents and generates smaller databases that take less time to perform bioinformatics analysis than whole genome sequencing and is more cost-effective too
- Often used in clinical care to provide greater confidence as well as keep the cost down and provide better opportunity for insurance reimbursement
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