AAT Bioquest

What color is the Golgi apparatus?

Posted March 31, 2021


Generally speaking, cellular components, such as NADPH, nucleic acids, amino acids, and proteins, intrinsically autofluoresce – meaning they emit light that has been absorbed. While the Golgi apparatus does contain these autofluorescing components, unfortunately, there is no accredited publication that alludes to the color of the Golgi apparatus. 

Instead, staining techniques using fluorescent markers, such as C6-NBD-ceramide, can be used to visualize the Golgi apparatus in live and fixed cells. When excited at 466 nm, C6-NBD-ceramide will exhibit green fluorescence at ~536 nm.

Additional resources

Cell Navigator™ NBD Ceramide Golgi Staining Kit *Green Fluorescence*

Pathway of C6-NBD-Ceramide on the host cell infected with Toxoplasma gondii

Golgi Apparatus