AAT Bioquest

What are the differences between cell membrane and cell wall?

Posted January 27, 2022

Basis of differentiationCell MembraneCell Wall
Species in which it is presentPresent in all types of cells in all living organisms including plantsPresent only in plant cells and some algae, fungi, and bacteria
Location in the cellIs the outermost layer in animal cells and the inner layer in plant cellsIs the outermost covering in plant cells
StructureHas a thin, delicate, flexible structure capable of changing shape when neededHas a thick, rigid structure with fixed shape
ThicknessIs 7.5 nm to 10 nm in thickness, which remains the same for the lifetime of the organismIs 0.1 μm to several μm in thickness, which increases over time and occupies the entire cell in the plant as it ages and dies
CompositionIs a lipid bilayer composed of lipoproteins and carbohydratesComposed of pectin, cellulose, glycolipids, chitin, glycoproteins, sugar, and lignin
PermeabilityIs selectively permeable and controls the movement of substances into and out of the cellIs fully permeable to smaller-sized molecules measuring 30 to 60 kDa.
Metabolically active/inactiveIs metabolically activeIs metabolically inactive
Nutritional requirementsRequires proper nutrition from the cell to surviveNo nutritional requirements from the cell
FunctionsProvides protection for the cell and its cellular components from the internal environment, regulates the movement of molecules in and out of the cell through selective permeability, and plays a key role in communicationProvides structural support and rigidity for the plant body and protects the cell from the external environment
Additional resources

Structural and signaling role of lipids in plasma membrane repair

Cell Structures and Organelles

DiA [4-(4-(Dihexadecylamino)styryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide]