AAT Bioquest

Is BrdU (Bromodeoxyuridine) a biohazard?

Posted September 3, 2021


Yes, BrdU (Bromodeoxyuridine) is a biohazard. To mitigate its effects, there are strict procedures in place regarding its disposal as well as cleanup after a spill.

  • All potentially contaminated materials including unused BrdU, tissue samples, animal carcasses, laboratory materials, bedding, animal house materials and any other materials used must be double bagged in biohazard bags. The bags must be clearly labeled as “Bromodeoxyuridine” and securely stored while waiting to be disposed of.
  • Sharps that are contaminated with BrdU must be placed in special sharps containers and clearly labeled as “Bromodeoxyuridine”. These must be securely stored while awaiting disposal.
  • In case of any spills, the contaminated materials including the waste generated from the cleanup must be double bagged in biohazard bags, clearly labelled as "Bromodeoxyuridine" and stored securely while waiting to be disposed.
Additional resources

BrdU immunohistochemistry for studying adult neurogenesis: paradigms, pitfalls, limitations, and validation

BrdU [5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine] *CAS 59-14-3*