HHBS [Hanks' Buffer with 20 mM Hepes]
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution with 20 mM Hepes buffer (HHBS) is used for a variety of cell culture applications, such as washing cells, transporting cells or tissue samples, diluting cells for counting, and preparing reagents. Formulations with calcium and magnesium are generally used as transport media, or for reagent preparation such as calcium, membrane potential assay buffer preparation.
View all 14 citations: Citation Explorer
Fatigue and corrosion-fatigue behavior of the $\beta$-metastableTi-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr alloy processed by laser powder bedfusion
Authors: Kaya, Ali Can and Alc{\^a}ntara, Erika Gabriele Alves and Meinke, Reinhard and Selve, S{\"o}ren and Fleck, Claudia
Journal: (2024)
Authors: Kaya, Ali Can and Alc{\^a}ntara, Erika Gabriele Alves and Meinke, Reinhard and Selve, S{\"o}ren and Fleck, Claudia
Journal: (2024)
Characterization of a fluorescence imaging probe that exploits metabolic dependency of ovarian clear cell carcinoma
Authors: Tsuchimochi, Saki and Wada-Hiraike, Osamu and Urano, Yasuteru and Kukita, Asako and Yamaguchi, Kohei and Honjo, Harunori and Taguchi, Ayumi and Tanikawa, Michihiro and Sone, Kenbun and Mori-Uchino, Mayuyo and others,
Journal: Scientific Reports (2023): 20292
Authors: Tsuchimochi, Saki and Wada-Hiraike, Osamu and Urano, Yasuteru and Kukita, Asako and Yamaguchi, Kohei and Honjo, Harunori and Taguchi, Ayumi and Tanikawa, Michihiro and Sone, Kenbun and Mori-Uchino, Mayuyo and others,
Journal: Scientific Reports (2023): 20292
Complex intestinal and hepatic in vitro barrier models reveal information on uptake and impact of micro-, submicro-and nanoplastics
Authors: Paul, Maxi B and B{\"o}hmert, Linda and Hsiao, I-Lun and Braeuning, Albert and Sieg, Holger
Journal: Environment International (2023): 108172
Authors: Paul, Maxi B and B{\"o}hmert, Linda and Hsiao, I-Lun and Braeuning, Albert and Sieg, Holger
Journal: Environment International (2023): 108172
Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on the tumor cell inhibition and the possible mechanism
Authors: Sun, Jie and Tong, Yingying and Jia, Yu and Jia, Xu and Wang, Hua and Chen, Yang and Wu, Jiamin and Jin, Weiyang and Ma, Zheng and Cao, Kai and others,
Journal: Scientific Reports (2023): 6989
Authors: Sun, Jie and Tong, Yingying and Jia, Yu and Jia, Xu and Wang, Hua and Chen, Yang and Wu, Jiamin and Jin, Weiyang and Ma, Zheng and Cao, Kai and others,
Journal: Scientific Reports (2023): 6989
Identification of Autophagy as a Functional Target Suitable for the Pharmacological Treatment of Mitochondrial Membrane Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration (MPAN) In Vitro. Pharmaceutics 2023, 15, 267
Authors: Zanuttigh, E and Derderian, K and G{\"u}ra, MA and Geerlof, A and Di Meo, I and Cavestro, C and Hempfling, S and Ortiz-Collazos, S and Mauthe, M and Kmiec, T and others,
Journal: (2023)
Authors: Zanuttigh, E and Derderian, K and G{\"u}ra, MA and Geerlof, A and Di Meo, I and Cavestro, C and Hempfling, S and Ortiz-Collazos, S and Mauthe, M and Kmiec, T and others,
Journal: (2023)
Page updated on March 11, 2025