AAT Bioquest

Di-4-ANBDQBS [JPW6033]

Di-4-ANEPPS is considered a "gold standard" of optical mapping membrane potentials. However, its short wavelength, higher internalization rate and small fluorescence change limit its use in some biological samples. Di-4-ANBDQPQ and Di-4-ANBDQBS demonstrated 50-100% deltaF/F signal enhancement than di-4-ANEPPS in Tyrode's perfused ventricular wall preparations. The longer excitation wavelength of Di-4-ANBDQPQ and Di-4-ANBDQBS is well separated from the absorption maximum of blood (~580 nm), conveying a major advantage in blood-perfused preparations. Di-4-ANBDQPQ and Di-4ANBDQBS increase the depth of imaging of electrical activity in tissues, and facilitate imaging during blood perfusion. These two dyes are also useful in conventional epicardial mapping applications. In summary, Di-4-ANBDQPQ and Di-4ANBDQBS have greater ?F/F, slower internalization rate and easy cell loading. Moreover, the red shift of excitation and emission is likely to be another useful feature. These dyes may as well be useful for optical mapping of monolayers and individual cardiac myocytes, given the ability of these dyes to respond to low levels of illumination (1 mW/mm2) and high deltaF/F. Monolayers and individual cardiac myocytes usually require high intensities of illumination, which often results in photobleaching.


Common stock solution preparation

Table 1. Volume of DMSO needed to reconstitute specific mass of Di-4-ANBDQBS [JPW6033] to given concentration. Note that volume is only for preparing stock solution. Refer to sample experimental protocol for appropriate experimental/physiological buffers.

0.1 mg0.5 mg1 mg5 mg10 mg
1 mM175.199 µL875.994 µL1.752 mL8.76 mL17.52 mL
5 mM35.04 µL175.199 µL350.398 µL1.752 mL3.504 mL
10 mM17.52 µL87.599 µL175.199 µL875.994 µL1.752 mL

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Product family

NameExcitation (nm)Emission (nm)Extinction coefficient (cm -1 M -1)
Di-4-ANEPPS *CAS#: 90134-00-2*48268631622


View all 4 citations: Citation Explorer
Light transmittance in human atrial tissue and transthoracic illumination in rats support translatability of optogenetic cardioversion of atrial fibrillation
Authors: Nyns, Emile CA and Portero, Vincent and Deng, Shanliang and Jin, Tianyi and Harlaar, Niels and Bart, Cindy I and van Brakel, Thomas J and Palmen, Meindert and Hjortnaes, Jesper and Ramkisoensing, Arti A and others,
Journal: Journal of Internal Medicine (2023)
Antiarrhythmic Properties of Elsholtzia ciliata Essential Oil on Electrical Activity of the Isolated Rabbit Heart and Preferential Inhibition of Sodium Conductance
Authors: Ma{\v{c}}ianskien{\.e}, Regina and Pud{\v{z}}iuvelyt{\.e}, Lauryna and Bernatonien{\.e}, Jurga and Almanaityt{\.e}, Mant{\.e} and Navalinskas, Antanas and Treinys, Rimantas and Andriul{\.e}, Inga and Jurevi{\v{c}}ius, Jonas
Journal: Biomolecules (2020): 948
Preliminary findings on ultrasound modulation of the electromechanical function of human stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes
Authors: Chen, Andrew William and Klimas, Aleksandra and Zderic, Vesna and Castellanos, Ivan Suares and Entcheva, Emilia
Journal: (2017): 1--4
Preliminary findings on ultrasound modulation of the electromechanical function of human stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes
Authors: Chen, Andrew William and Klimas, Aleks and ra , undefined and Zderic, Vesna and Castellanos, Ivan Suares and Entcheva, Emilia
Journal: (2017): 1--4


View all 3 references: Citation Explorer
Simultaneous measurement and modulation of multiple physiological parameters in the isolated heart using optical techniques
Authors: Lee P, Yan P, Ewart P, Kohl P, Loew LM, Bollensdorff C.
Journal: Pflugers Arch (2012): 403
Single-sensor system for spatially resolved, continuous, and multiparametric optical mapping of cardiac tissue
Authors: Lee P, Bollensdorff C, Quinn TA, Wuskell JP, Loew LM, Kohl P.
Journal: Heart Rhythm (2011): 1482
Near-infrared voltage-sensitive fluorescent dyes optimized for optical mapping in blood-perfused myocardium
Authors: Matiukas A, Mitrea BG, Qin M, Pertsov AM, Shvedko AG, Warren MD, Zaitsev AV, Wuskell JP, Wei MD, Watras J, Loew LM.
Journal: Heart Rhythm (2007): 1441
Page created on September 12, 2019, last updated on July 26, 2023

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Physical properties

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Storage, safety and handling

H-phraseH303, H313, H333
Hazard symbolXN
Intended useResearch Use Only (RUO)
R-phraseR20, R21, R22


Freeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure
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