AAT Bioquest


Fluorescence response of DAX-J2<sup>TM</sup> IR (1 uM) to different reactive oxygen species (1 mM) in PBS buffer (pH 7.2). The fluorescence intensities were measured with Ex/Em = 700/780 nm.
Fluorescence response of DAX-J2<sup>TM</sup> IR (1 uM) to different reactive oxygen species (1 mM) in PBS buffer (pH 7.2). The fluorescence intensities were measured with Ex/Em = 700/780 nm.
Fluorescence response of DAX-J2<sup>TM</sup> IR (1 uM) to different reactive oxygen species (1 mM) in PBS buffer (pH 7.2). The fluorescence intensities were measured with Ex/Em = 700/780 nm.
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Physical properties
Molecular weight1016.05
Spectral properties
Excitation (nm)778
Emission (nm)792
Storage, safety and handling
H-phraseH303, H313, H333
Hazard symbolXN
Intended useResearch Use Only (RUO)
R-phraseR20, R21, R22
StorageFreeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure
Related products
DAX-J2™ Ratio 580/460


Molecular weight
Excitation (nm)
Emission (nm)
DAX-J2™ IR is a new nitric oxide (NO) sensor recently developed by AAT Bioquest. It is a water-soluble fluorogenic reagent that can measure free NO and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity in in vivo under physiological conditions. The blocking groups on the DAX-J2 reagent are released to generate the highly fluorescent product upon NO oxidation. DAX-J2 fluorescent product can be detected using the filter set of Cy7® and ICG. DAX-J2 IR has distinct advantages for NO detection than the popular DAF-2 NO probe: 1). It does not require esterase activity for NO detection. DAF-2 requires intracellular esterases to cleave its acetate groups for detecting NO activity. This esterase dependence often complicates the NO detection since esterse activities are affected by cell health and many other factors. 2). DAX-2 product exhibits pH-independent fluorescence while DAF-2 has its fluorescence highly affected by pH. 3). It is more sensitive for detecting NO than DAF-2. 4). It can be used for in vivo imaging of NO.


Common stock solution preparation

Table 1. Volume of DMSO needed to reconstitute specific mass of DAX-J2™ IR to given concentration. Note that volume is only for preparing stock solution. Refer to sample experimental protocol for appropriate experimental/physiological buffers.

0.1 mg0.5 mg1 mg5 mg10 mg
1 mM98.42 µL492.102 µL984.204 µL4.921 mL9.842 mL
5 mM19.684 µL98.42 µL196.841 µL984.204 µL1.968 mL
10 mM9.842 µL49.21 µL98.42 µL492.102 µL984.204 µL

Molarity calculator

Enter any two values (mass, volume, concentration) to calculate the third.

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Open in Advanced Spectrum Viewer

Spectral properties

Excitation (nm)778
Emission (nm)792

Product Family

NameExcitation (nm)Emission (nm)
DAX-J2™ Orange552575
DAX-J2™ Red587609



View all 2 citations: Citation Explorer
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