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Amplite® Fluorimetric Lead (II) Ion Quantitation Kit

Lead dose response was measured with Amplite® Fluorimetric Lead (II) Ion Quantitation Kit in a 96-well solid black plate.
Lead dose response was measured with Amplite® Fluorimetric Lead (II) Ion Quantitation Kit in a 96-well solid black plate.
Lead dose response was measured with Amplite® Fluorimetric Lead (II) Ion Quantitation Kit in a 96-well solid black plate.
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Lead is a highly poisonous metal to human beings, especially young children. Lead interferes with cell signaling and gene expression, causing severe damages to the brain, liver, kidney, and even death. Because of its long history in mining and smelting, as well as widespread use in battery, paint and gasoline, lead pollution in soil and groundwater has been one of the most serious environmental problems. Amplite® Fluorimetric Lead (II) Ion Quantitation Kit provides a robust method for detecting lead (II) ion in solution. It uses Lead Green™, a selective and sensitive green fluorescence probe that can be easily monitored with a fluorescence microplate reader (Ex/Em = 490/530 nm). The Amplite® Fluorimetric Lead (II) Ion Quantitation Kit can be performed in a convenient 96-well or 384-well microplate format and easily adapted to automation with no separation steps required. The assay can be completed within 30 minutes. With the Amplite® Fluorimetric Lead (II) Ion Quantitation Kit, as little as 4µM lead (II) ion was detected.


Fluorescence microplate reader

Excitation490 nm
Emission530 nm
Cutoff515 nm
Recommended plateSolid black


Example protocol


Protocol summary

  1. Prepare and add lead standards or test samples (50 uL)
  2. Prepare and add Lead Green working solution (50 uL)
  3. Incubate at room temperature for 10-30 minutes
  4. Monitor fluorescence intensity at Ex/Em = 490/530 nm

Important notes
Thaw all the kit components at room temperature before starting the experiment.


Unless otherwise noted, all unused stock solutions should be divided into single-use aliquots and stored at -20 °C after preparation. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

Lead Green stock solution (200X):
Add 50 uL of DMSO (Component D) into the vial of Lead Green (Component A) to make Lead Green stock solution (200X). Note: Store the unused Lead Green stock solution at -20 °C in single use aliquots.


Lead standard

For convenience, use the Serial Dilution Planner: https://www.aatbio.com/tools/serial-dilution/19007

Add 10 uL of 100 mM Lead (II) Standard solution (Component C) to 990 uL H2O to generate 1 mM Lead standard solution. Take 1 mM Lead (II) standard solution to perform 1:3 serial dilutions by H2O to get serially diluted Lead (II) standards ranging from 0 to 1 mM.


Lead Green working solution:
Add 25 uL Lead Green stock solution (200X) into 5 mL of Assay Buffer (Component B) to make a total volume of 5.025 mL. Note: Keep away from Light. Note: Lead Green working solution should be used promptly.


Table 1. Layout of lead standards and test samples in a solid black 96-well microplate. LS = Lead standard (LS1-LS7, 1000 to 1.4 uM); BL = blank control; TS = test sample.


Table 2. Reagent composition for each well.

LS1-LS750 uLserial dilution (1000 to 1.34 uM)
BL50 uLH2O
TS50 uLtest sample
  1. Prepare Lead Standards (LS), blank controls (BL), and test samples (TS) according to the layout provided in Tables 1 and 2. For a 384-well plate, use 25 µL of reagent per well instead of 50 µL.

  2. Add 50 uL of Lead Green working solution to each well of Lead Standard, blank control, and test samples to make the total Lead assay volume of 100 uL/well. For a 384-well plate, add 25 uL of working solution into each well instead for a total volume of  50 uL/well.

  3. Incubate the reaction at room temperature for 10 to 30 minutes, protected from light.

  4. Monitor the fluorescence intensity with a fluorescence plate reader at Ex/Em = 490/530 nm.



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Authors: Kushwaha, A., Hans, N., Kumar, S., Rani, R.
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Authors: Grasso, I. A., Blattner, M. R., Short, T., Downs, J. W.
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Journal: J Emerg Med (2016): 45-9
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Authors: Begly, J. P., Lajam, C. M.
Journal: Bull Hosp Jt Dis (2013) (2016): 229-33
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Authors: Ashraf, U., Kanu, A. S., Mo, Z., Hussain, S., Anjum, S. A., Khan, I., Abbas, R. N., Tang, X.
Journal: Environ Sci Pollut Res Int (2015): 18318-32
Lead toxicity: a review
Authors: Wani, A. L., Ara, A., Usmani, J. A.
Journal: Interdiscip Toxicol (2015): 55-64
Toxicity of lead: A review with recent updates
Authors: Flora, G., Gupta, D., Tiwari, A.
Journal: Interdiscip Toxicol (2012): 47-58
A systematic review on status of lead pollution and toxicity in Iran; Guidance for preventive measures
Authors: Karrari, P., Mehrpour, O., Abdollahi, M.
Journal: Daru (2012): 2