AAT Bioquest

Amplite® Fluorimetric Extracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Activity Assay Kit

Nitric oxide dose response was measured with Amplite™ Extracelluar Fluorimetric Nitric Oxide Quantitation Kit in a 96-well solid black plate using a Gemini microplate reader (Molecular Devices). 
Nitric oxide dose response was measured with Amplite™ Extracelluar Fluorimetric Nitric Oxide Quantitation Kit in a 96-well solid black plate using a Gemini microplate reader (Molecular Devices). 
Nitric oxide dose response was measured with Amplite™ Extracelluar Fluorimetric Nitric Oxide Quantitation Kit in a 96-well solid black plate using a Gemini microplate reader (Molecular Devices). 
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Storage, safety and handling
H-phraseH303, H313, H333
Hazard symbolXN
Intended useResearch Use Only (RUO)
R-phraseR20, R21, R22
StorageFreeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure


Nitric oxide (NO) is an important biological regulator involved in numbers of physiological and pathological processes. Altered NO production is implicated in various immunological, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and inflammatory diseases. As a free radical, NO is rapidly oxidized and there is relatively low concentrations of NO existing in biological systems. It has been challenging to detect and understand the role of NO using conventional tools. AAT Bioquest offers a group of NO assay kits for monitoring NO in live cells. This Amplite® Extracellular Fluorimetric Nitric Oxide Quantitation Kit provides a rapid method to monitor NO level in extracellular media, tissues, and other biological solutions and samples. Compared to the commonly used DAF-2 probe, DAW-J2 is used as the cell-impermeant NO sensor in our kit 16365. DAW-J2 detects nitric oxide exclusively in the extracellular environment with high sensitivity and selectivity. The non-fluorescent DAW-J2 probe reacts with NO to generate a strongly red fluorescent product that can be conveniently monitored using a microplate reader.


Fluorescence microplate reader

Excitation570 nm
Emission610 nm
Cutoff590 nm
Recommended plateSolid black


Example protocol


Protocol summary

  1. Prepare nitric oxide working solution (50 µL)
  2. Add nitric oxide standard or test samples (50 µL)
  3. Incubate at room temperature for 30 - 60 minutes
  4. Monitor the fluorescence intensity

Important notes
Thaw one of each kit component at room temperature before starting the experiment.


Unless otherwise noted, all unused stock solutions should be divided into single-use aliquots and stored at -20 °C after preparation. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
  1. DAW-J2 stock solution (200X): 
    Add 25 mL of DMSO into the vial of DAW-J2 (Component A) to make 200X stock solution.

  2. Nitric oxide standard solution (100 mM, not provided):
    We used DEA NONOate (Cayman Chemical, Item No. 82100, CAS#372965-00-9) as the nitric oxide standard. The standard solution of nitric oxide was prepared at the concentration of 100 mM in 0.01N NaOH.



Nitric Oxide standard

For convenience, use the Serial Dilution Planner: https://www.aatbio.com/tools/serial-dilution/16365

Add 10 µL of 100 mM NONOate standard solution into 990 uL Assay Buffer (Component B) to generate 1 mM Nitric Oxide standard solution (SD7). Then perform 1:2 serial dilutions to get serially diluted nitric oxide standards (SD6-SD1). Note: Diluted NONOate standard solution is unstable, and should be used promptly.


Add 25 µL of DAW-J2 200X stock solution into 5 mL of Assay Buffer (Component B) and mix well. Note: This nitric oxide working solution is enough for 100 assays. The working solution is not stable, use it promptly and avoid direct exposure to light.


Table1: Layout of nitric oxide standards and test samples in a solid black 96-well microplate. SD=Standard, BL=Blank Control, TS=Test Sample.


Table2: Reagent composition for each well.

SD1-SD750 µLSerial Dilution (15.6 to 1000 µM)
BL50 µLAssay Buffer
TS50 µLTest Sample
  1. Prepare nitric oxide standards (SD), blank controls (BL) and test samples (TS) into a solid black 96-well microplate according to the layout provided in Table 1 and Table 2. For a 384-well plate, use 25 µL of reagent per well instead of 50 µL per well.

  2. Add 50 µL of nitric oxide working solution to each well of standards, blank controls and test samples to make the total nitric oxide assay volume of 100 µL/well. For a 384-well plate, use 25 µL of working solution into each well instead, for a total volume of 50 µL/well.

  3. Incubate the reaction at room temperature for 30 minutes to 1 hour, protected from light.

  4. Monitor the fluorescence increase with a fluorescence plate reader at Excitation = 570 nm, Emission = 610 nm (cutoff = 590 nm).



View all 2 citations: Citation Explorer
Fluorescent real-time quantitative measurements of intracellular peroxynitrite generation and inhibition
Authors: Luo, Zhen and Zhao, Qin and Liu, Jixiang and Liao, Jinfang and Peng, Ruogu and Xi, Yunting and Diwu, Zhenjun
Journal: Analytical biochemistry (2017): 44--48
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) Is a Novel Negative Regulator of Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cell Trafficking
Authors: Adamiak, Mateusz and Abdelbaset-Ismail, Ahmed and Moore, Joseph B and Zhao, J and Abdel-Latif, Ahmed and Wysoczynski, Marcin and Ratajczak, Mariusz Z
Journal: Stem Cell Reviews and Reports (2016): 1--12


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