AAT Bioquest

Posted on December 10, 2019
How to measure cell proliferation?
Cell Cycle Analysiscell proliferationlive cell trackingfluorescent microscopeflow cytometermicroplate reader

Posted on June 13, 2019
What is the difference between FluoroQuest Anti-fading Kit I and FluoroQuest Anti-fading Kit II?
anti-fadingfluoresceinfluorescence imagingfluorescent microscope

Posted on June 12, 2019
Do you have fixable live cell staining assay kits?
Cell CytotoxicityCell ViabilityMultidrug Resistance (MDR1/P-gp, MRP1)flow cytometryfluorescence imagingfluorescence microplate readerfluorescent microscopefluorescent plate readerlive cell assay

Posted on April 2, 2019
Can I treat my cells before adding the master reaction mix for ROS kit 22900
ROSfluorescence imagingfluorescent microscopefluorescence microscope

Posted on March 22, 2019
What kind of microplate should I use for ELISA?
wavelengthhorseradish peroxidasemolecular weightfluorescent microscopefluorescence microplate readermicroplate readermicroplateELISAexcitation wavelengthemission wavelengthready-to-useCustomizationAmplite

Posted on January 3, 2019
What is the number of passages your Cell Explorer Live Cell Tracking assays can undergo?
fixableflow cytometerlive cell trackingfluorescence imagingfluorescent microscope

Posted on July 8, 2018
What are the differences between your fluorimetric peroxynitrite assays (Cat# 16315, 16316 and 16317)?
ROSCell Assayflow cytometerperoxynitrite anionfluorescence imagingfluorescent microscope