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There are 50 reference(s) for Transfectamine™ 7000 siRNA Transfection Reagent (Cat No. 60027).

Rational polyelectrolyte nanoparticles endow preosteoclast-targeted siRNA transfection for anabolic therapy of osteoporosis.
Authors: Zhang, Zheng and Ding, Peng and Meng, Yichen and Lin, Tao and Zhang, Zhanrong and Shu, Haoming and Ma, Jun and Cohen Stuart, Martien and Gao, Yang and Wang, Junyou and Zhou, Xuhui
Journal: Science advances (2023): eade7379
Self-Assembled Oleic Acid-Modified Polyallylamines for Improved siRNA Transfection Efficiency and Lower Cytotoxicity.
Authors: Salvador, Cristian and Andreozzi, Patrizia and Romero, Gabriela and Loinaz, Iraida and Dupin, Damien and Moya, Sergio E
Journal: ACS applied bio materials (2023): 529-542
Bioresponsive Chimaeric Polymersomes Mediate Sustained and Liver-Specific siRNA Transfection In Vivo.
Authors: Huang, Ri and Wang, Feifei and Fu, He and Qi, Xinming and Xing, Guozhen and Ren, Jin and Cheng, Liang and Meng, Fenghua and Zhong, Zhiyuan
Journal: Biomacromolecules (2023): 5353-5363
A Bayesian Implementation of Quality-by-Design for the Development of Cationic Nano-Lipid for siRNA Transfection.
Authors: Bastogne, Thierry and Hassler, Lucie and Bruniaux, Jonathan and Thomassin, Magalie and Gidrol, Xavier and Sulpice, Eric and Navarro, Fabrice P
Journal: IEEE transactions on nanobioscience (2023): 455-466
Two-Photon Light Trigger siRNA Transfection of Cancer Cells Using Non-Toxic Porous Silicon Nanoparticles.
Authors: Chaix, Arnaud and Cueto-Diaz, Eduardo and Dominguez-Gil, Sofia and Spiteri, Chantelle and Lichon, Laure and Maynadier, Marie and Dumail, Xavier and Aggad, Dina and Delalande, Anthony and Bessière, Aurélie and Pichon, Chantal and Chiappini, Ciro and Sailor, Michael J and Bettache, Nadir and Gary-Bobo, Magali and Durand, Jean-Olivier and Nguyen, Christophe and Cunin, Frédérique
Journal: Advanced healthcare materials (2023): e2301052
Cationic amino-acid functionalized polymethacrylamide vectors for siRNA transfection based on modification of poly(2-isopropenyl-2-oxazoline).
Authors: Jerca, Florica Adriana and Muntean, Cristina and Remaut, Katrien and Jerca, Valentin Victor and Raemdonck, Koen and Hoogenboom, Richard
Journal: Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society (2023): 687-699
siRNA Transfection Mediated by Chitosan Microparticles for the Treatment of HIV-1 Infection of Human Cell Lines.
Authors: Chronopoulou, Laura and Falasca, Francesca and Di Fonzo, Federica and Turriziani, Ombretta and Palocci, Cleofe
Journal: Materials (Basel, Switzerland) (2022)
Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) Transfection in Epiblast Stem Cells.
Authors: Kafer, Georgia R
Journal: Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) (2022): 47-55
The Characteristics of Human iPS Cells and siRNA Transfection Under Hypoxia.
Authors: Sugimoto, Kouji and Hayashi, Yoshihiko
Journal: Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) (2022): 657-664
Non-viral siRNA transfection of primary mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs): Assessment of tyrosine-modified PEI and PPI efficacy and biocompatibility.
Authors: Noske, Sandra and Karimov, Michael and Hansen, Max and Zatula, Nathalie and Ewe, Alexander and Aigner, Achim
Journal: International journal of pharmaceutics (2022): 121359
Synthetic Conjugated Oligoelectrolytes Are Effective siRNA Transfection Carriers: Relevance to Pancreatic Cancer Gene Therapy.
Authors: Yang, Chengbin and Huang, Haoqiang and Singh, Nishtha Manish and Zhou, Cheng and Yang, Guang and Xu, Zhourui and Lin, Haoming and Xu, Gaixia and Yong, Ken-Tye and Bazan, Guillermo C
Journal: Biomacromolecules (2022): 1259-1268
Passive siRNA transfection method for gene knockdown in air-liquid interface airway epithelial cell cultures.
Authors: Bartman, Colleen M and Stelzig, Kimberly E and Linden, David R and Prakash, Y S and Chiarella, Sergio E
Journal: American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology (2021): L280-L286
The hydrophobic tail of a pH-sensitive cationic lipid influences siRNA transfection activity and toxicity in human NK cell lines.
Authors: Nakamura, Takashi and Nakade, Taisei and Yamada, Koharu and Sato, Yusuke and Harashima, Hideyoshi
Journal: International journal of pharmaceutics (2021): 121140
Fluorescent Peptide Dendrimers for siRNA Transfection: Tracking pH Responsive Aggregation, siRNA Binding, and Cell Penetration.
Authors: Heitz, Marc and Zamolo, Susanna and Javor, Sacha and Reymond, Jean-Louis
Journal: Bioconjugate chemistry (2020): 1671-1684
RNA Synthesis by DNA Methyltransferase 1 siRNA Transfection with Cationic Liposomes into Osteoblastic Progenitor Cells Based on SiO² Nanomagnetic Beads for Proliferation and Differentiation.
Authors: Chen, Qingzhen and Jiang, Tao and Wang, Qinshen and Huang, Yongqing and Shao, Min
Journal: Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology (2020): 6077-6086
Tumor Targeting Gene Vector for Visual Tracking of Bcl-2 siRNA Transfection and Anti-Tumor Therapy.
Authors: Sun, Wan and Liu, Xu-Ying and Ma, Le-Le and Lu, Zhong-Lin
Journal: ACS applied materials & interfaces (2020): 10193-10201
Culture medium used during small interfering RNA (siRNA) transfection determines the maturation status of dendritic cells.
Authors: van Essen, Mieke F and Schlagwein, Nicole and van Gijlswijk-Janssen, Daniëlle J and Anholts, Jacqueline D H and Eikmans, Michael and Ruben, Jurjen M and van Kooten, Cees and ,
Journal: Journal of immunological methods (2020): 112748
Insights into siRNA Transfection in Suspension: Efficient Gene Silencing in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Encapsulated in Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel.
Authors: Paidikondala, Maruthibabu and Nawale, Ganesh N and Varghese, Oommen P
Journal: Biomacromolecules (2019): 1317-1324
Stereoselective pH Responsive Peptide Dendrimers for siRNA Transfection.
Authors: Heitz, Marc and Javor, Sacha and Darbre, Tamis and Reymond, Jean-Louis
Journal: Bioconjugate chemistry (2019): 2165-2182
Poly(ethylene glycol)-Based Peptidomimetic "PEGtide" of Oligo-Arginine Allows for Efficient siRNA Transfection and Gene Inhibition.
Authors: Hibbitts, Alan and O'Connor, Aoife M and McCarthy, Joanna and Forde, Éanna B and Hessman, Gary and O'Driscoll, Caitriona M and Cryan, Sally-Ann and Devocelle, Marc
Journal: ACS omega (2019): 10078-10088
Enhancement of siRNA transfection by the optimization of fatty acid length and histidine content in the CPP.
Authors: Porosk, Ly and Arukuusk, Piret and Põhako, Kaisa and Kurrikoff, Kaido and Kiisholts, Kristina and Padari, Kärt and Pooga, Margus and Langel, Ülo
Journal: Biomaterials science (2019): 4363-4374
[Silencing the target rhoptry neck protein (RON) gene responsible for the invasion of Toxoplasma gondii with siRNA transfection].
Authors: Yürük, Merve and Aksoy, Tülay and Sivcan, Eda and Nergiz, Hilal
Journal: Mikrobiyoloji bulteni (2019): 81-95
Comparative Study of the Effects of Ferrochelatase-siRNA Transfection Mediated by Ultrasound Microbubbles and Polyethyleneimine in Combination with Low-dose ALA to Enhance PpIX Accumulation in Human Endometrial Cancer Xenograft Nude Mice Models.
Authors: Zhang, Xian and Chen, Longfei and Gao, Lvfen and Gao, Xuesong and Li, Nan and Song, Yuwei and Huang, Xinke and Lin, Shaoqiang and Wang, Xiaoyu
Journal: Photochemistry and photobiology (2019): 1045-1051
Effect of Cationic Lipid Type in Folate-PEG-Modified Cationic Liposomes on Folate Receptor-Mediated siRNA Transfection in Tumor Cells.
Authors: Hattori, Yoshiyuki and Shimizu, Satono and Ozaki, Kei-Ichi and Onishi, Hiraku
Journal: Pharmaceutics (2019)
Effect of Polymer Phase Transition Behavior on Temperature-Responsive Polymer-Modified Liposomes for siRNA Transfection.
Authors: Nagase, Kenichi and Hasegawa, Momoko and Ayano, Eri and Maitani, Yoshie and Kanazawa, Hideko
Journal: International journal of molecular sciences (2019)
Effects of Repeated Aurora-A siRNA Transfection on Cilia Generation and Proliferation of SK-MES-1 or A549 Cells.
Authors: Wang, Zhonghua and Ma, Zhuang and Cao, Jianping
Journal: Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals (2018): 110-117
Charge and Assembly Reversible Micelles Fueled by Intracellular ATP for Improved siRNA Transfection.
Authors: Zhou, Zhanwei and Li, Chenzi and Zhang, Minghua and Zhang, Qingyan and Qian, Chenggen and Oupicky, David and Sun, Minjie
Journal: ACS applied materials & interfaces (2018): 32026-32037
Highly efficient siRNA transfection in macrophages using apoptotic body-mimic Ca-PS lipopolyplex.
Authors: Lai, Yueyang and Xu, Xuebo and Zhu, Zhenyu and Hua, Zichun
Journal: International journal of nanomedicine (2018): 6603-6623
Tripartite polyionic complex (PIC) micelles as non-viral vectors for mesenchymal stem cell siRNA transfection.
Authors: Raisin, Sophie and Morille, Marie and Bony, Claire and Noël, Danièle and Devoisselle, Jean-Marie and Belamie, Emmanuel
Journal: Biomaterials science (2017): 1910-1921
Transcription Factor Binding Studies in CD4+ T Cells: siRNA Transfection, Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, and Liquid Luminescent DNA Precipitation Assay.
Authors: Humblin, Etienne and Ghiringhelli, François and Végran, Frédérique
Journal: Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) (2017): 167-177
Lipid-based DNA/siRNA transfection agents disrupt neuronal bioenergetics and mitophagy.
Authors: Napoli, Eleonora and Liu, Siming and Marsilio, Ilaria and Zarbalis, Konstantinos and Giulivi, Cecilia
Journal: The Biochemical journal (2017): 3887-3902
Molecular determinants for cyclo-oligosaccharide-based nanoparticle-mediated effective siRNA transfection.
Authors: Manzanares, Darío and Araya-Durán, Ingrid and Gallego-Yerga, Laura and Játiva, Pablo and Márquez-Miranda, Valeria and Canan, Jonathan and Jiménez Blanco, José Luis and Mellet, Carmen Ortiz and González-Nilo, Fernando Danilo and García Fernández, José Manuel and Ceña, Valentín
Journal: Nanomedicine (London, England) (2017): 1607-1621
Peptide Dendrimer-Lipid Conjugates as DNA and siRNA Transfection Reagents: Role of Charge Distribution Across Generations.
Authors: Heitz, Marc and Kwok, Albert and Eggimann, Gabriela A and Hollfelder, Florian and Darbre, Tamis and Reymond, Jean-Louis
Journal: Chimia (2017): 220-225
Polymer nanoassemblies with hydrophobic pendant groups in the core induce false positive siRNA transfection in luciferase reporter assays.
Authors: Rheiner, Steven and Reichel, Derek and Rychahou, Piotr and Izumi, Tadahide and Yang, Hsin-Sheng and Bae, Younsoo
Journal: International journal of pharmaceutics (2017): 536-546
Atelocollagen-mediated in vivo siRNA transfection in ovarian carcinoma is influenced by tumor site, siRNA target and administration route.
Authors: Meryet-Figuière, Matthieu and Lecerf, Charlotte and Varin, Emilie and Coll, Jean-Luc and Louis, Marie-Hélène and Dutoit, Soizic and Giffard, Florence and Blanc-Fournier, Cécile and Hedir, Siham and Vigneron, Nicolas and Brotin, Emilie and Pelletier, Laurent and Josserand, Véronique and Denoyelle, Christophe and Poulain, Laurent
Journal: Oncology reports (2017): 1949-1958
siRNA Transfection and EMSA Analyses on Freshly Isolated Human Villous Cytotrophoblasts.
Authors: Lokossou, Adjimon Gatien and Toufaily, Chirine and Vargas, Amandine and Barbeau, Benoit
Journal: Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE (2016)
The Characteristics of Murine iPS Cells and siRNA Transfection Under Hypoxia.
Authors: Sugimoto, K and Hayashi, Yoshihiko
Journal: Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) (2016): 465-74
Efficient Gene Knockdown in Mouse Oocytes through Peptide Nanoparticle-Mediated SiRNA Transfection.
Authors: Jin, Zhen and Li, Ruichao and Zhou, Chunxiang and Shi, Liya and Zhang, Xiaolan and Yang, Zhixia and Zhang, Dong
Journal: PloS one (2016): e0150462
Repeated Aurora-A siRNA Transfection Results in Effective Apoptosis of A549 Cells Compared to Single Transfection.
Authors: Wang, Zhonghua and Sun, Wenwu and Cao, Jianping and Cui, Haiyang and Ma, Zhuang
Journal: Clinical laboratory (2016): 697-703
Acoustic Liquid Handling for Rapid siRNA Transfection Optimization.
Authors: Xiao, Andrew S and Lightcap, Eric S and Bouck, David C
Journal: Journal of biomolecular screening (2015): 957-64
[Targeting VEGF siRNA transfection by new polymeric liposomes to inhibit retinal neovascularization].
Authors: Gao, Yan and Liu, Xinling and Li, Chunhui and Peng, Yao and Yang, Jizhong and Wang, Xiaowu and Li, Xiaorong
Journal: [Zhonghua yan ke za zhi] Chinese journal of ophthalmology (2015): 344-50
Multivalent dendritic polyglycerolamine with arginine and histidine end groups for efficient siRNA transfection.
Authors: Sheikhi Mehrabadi, Fatemeh and Zeng, Hanxiang and Johnson, Mark and Schlesener, Cathleen and Guan, Zhibin and Haag, Rainer
Journal: Beilstein journal of organic chemistry (2015): 763-72
Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles modified by branched polyethylenimine are effective non-viral vectors for siRNA transfection of hepatoma cells in vitro.
Authors: Xu, Xiao-Lin and Yang, Hai-Yun and Ou, Bing and Lin, Shu-Dong and Wu, Huan and He, Wang and Jiang, Qiong-Chao and Luo, Bao-Ming and Li, Gao-Peng
Journal: International journal of oncology (2015): 2138-42
Enhanced delivery of PEAL nanoparticles with ultrasound targeted microbubble destruction mediated siRNA transfection in human MCF-7/S and MCF-7/ADR cells in vitro.
Authors: Teng, Yanwei and Bai, Min and Sun, Ying and Wang, Qi and Li, Fan and Xing, Jinfang and Du, Lianfang and Gong, Tao and Duan, Yourong
Journal: International journal of nanomedicine (2015): 5447-57
A procedure for efficient non-viral siRNA transfection of primary human monocytes using nucleofection.
Authors: Scherer, Olga and Maeß, Marten B and Lindner, Saskia and Garscha, Ulrike and Weinigel, Christina and Rummler, Silke and Werz, Oliver and Lorkowski, Stefan
Journal: Journal of immunological methods (2015): 118-24
siRNA transfection in larvae of the barnacle Amphibalanus amphitrite.
Authors: Zhang, Gen and He, Li-Sheng and Wong, Yue Him and Yu, Li and Qian, Pei-Yuan
Journal: The Journal of experimental biology (2015): 2505-9
Impact of the structure of biocompatible aliphatic polycarbonates on siRNA transfection ability.
Authors: Frère, Antoine and Kawalec, Michal and Tempelaar, Sarah and Peixoto, Paul and Hendrick, Elodie and Peulen, Olivier and Evrard, Brigitte and Dubois, Philippe and Mespouille, Laetitia and Mottet, Denis and Piel, Géraldine
Journal: Biomacromolecules (2015): 769-79
A new strategy in the treatment of chemoresistant lung adenocarcinoma via specific siRNA transfection of SRF, E2F1, Survivin, HIF and STAT3.
Authors: Stoleriu, Mircea Gabriel and Steger, Volker and Mustafi, Migdat and Michaelis, Martin and Cinatl, Jindrich and Schneider, Wilke and Nolte, Andrea and Kurz, Julia and Wendel, Hans Peter and Schlensak, Christian and Walker, Tobias
Journal: European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery (2014): 877-86
Co-caged gold nanoclusters and methyl motifs lead to detoxification of dendrimers and allow cytosolic access for siRNA transfection.
Authors: Chien, Chih-Te and Liu, Chia-Yeh and Wu, Zong-Wei and Chen, Pin-Jyun and Chu, Ching-Liang and Lin, Shu-Yi
Journal: Journal of materials chemistry. B (2014): 6730-6737
Doping hydroxylated cationic lipid into PEGylated cerasome boosts in vivo siRNA transfection efficacy.
Authors: Li, Yanyan and Zheng, Shuquan and Liang, Xiaolong and Jin, Yushen and Wu, Yidi and Bai, Huichen and Liu, Renfa and Dai, Zhifei and Liang, Zicai and Shi, Tiejun
Journal: Bioconjugate chemistry (2014): 2055-66