AAT Bioquest

Portelite™ Fluorimetric High Sensitivity DNA Quantitation Kit *Optimized for CytoCite™ and Qubit™ Fluorometers*


DNA Quantitation is a very important task in DNA sample preparations for various genomic analyses. This Portelite™ dsDNA Quantitation Kit provides a rapid method to quantify dsDNA with Helixyte™ Green probe using a hand-held fluorometer. It is optimized for Cytocite™ and Qubit™ fluorometers. Portelite™ dsDNA Quantitation assay is linear over five orders of magnitude. The assay is highly selective for double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) over RNA and is designed to be accurate for initial sample concentrations from 1.25 pg/uL to 100 ng/uL. Helixyte™ Green exhibits large fluorescence enhancement upon binding to dsDNA, and it is a few magnitudes more sensitive than UV absorbance readings.


Qubit Fluorometer

Excitation480 nm
Emission520 nm
Instrument specification(s)0.2 mL, thin-wall PCR tube

CytoCite Fluorometer

Excitation480 nm
Emission520 nm
Instrument specification(s)0.2 mL, thin-wall PCR tube


Example protocol


Protocol Summary
  1. Prepare Helixyte™ Green working solution.

  2. Add 190 µL 1X Helixyte Green™ working solution into each 0.2 mL PCR tube (Cat#: CCT100).

  3. Add 10 µL DNA standards or test samples into each tube.

  4. Incubate at room temperature for 2 minutes.

  5. Monitor fluorescence with CytoCite™ fluorometer or Qubit™ fluorometer.

Important Note

Bring kit components to room temperature before starting the experiment.


Helixyte Green™ working solution
  1. To prepare enough working solution for 10 samples, add 10 μL of Helixyte Green™ (Component A) to 2 mL of DNA Assay Buffer (Component B).

    Note: Protect the working solution from light by covering it with foil or placing it in the dark.

    Note: We recommend preparing this solution in a plastic container rather than glass, as the dye may adsorb to glass surfaces. For best results, this solution should be used within a few hours of its preparation.



The acceptable sample volume could range from 1~20 µL depending on the estimated concentration of the DNA sample. The recommended sample volume is 10 µL with the DNA concentration in 0.5~10 ng/ µL range. If another sample volume is being used, please adjust the dilution factor in the concentration calculations. 

  1. Add 190 µL of 1X Helixyte Green™ working solution to each Cytocite™ sample tube (#CCT100) or an equivalent 0.2 mL PCR tube.

    Note: Use thin-wall, polypropylene, clear 0.2 mL PCR tubes such as #CCT100.

  2. Add DNA standards or test samples 10 µL into each tube, and then mix by vortexing 2~3 seconds.

  3. Allow all tubes to incubate at room temperature for 2 minutes.

  4. Insert the samples into CytoCite™ or Quibit™ and monitor the fluorescence with a green fluorescence channel. Follow the procedure appropriate for CytoCite™ Fluorometer.

    Note: See the link below for detailed instructions:


  1. Perform dilution with DNA Assay Buffer to get 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0 ng/µL DNA standard dilutions.

  2. Add 190 µL of Helixyte Green™ working solution into a 0.2 mL PCR tube.

  3. Add 10 µL standards or 10 µL samples into each tube.

  4. Incubate the reaction at room temperature for 2 minutes.

  5. Insert the samples into CytoCite™ and monitor the fluorescence with a green fluorescence channel.



View all 1 citations: Citation Explorer
Hydrogen-rich water alleviates constipation by attenuating oxidative stress through the sirtuin1/nuclear factor-erythroid-2-related factor 2/heme oxygenase-1 signaling pathway
Authors: Chen, Kai-Di and Wang, Kui-Ling and Chen, Chen and Zhu, Yi-Jia and Tang, Wen-Wen and Wang, Yu-Ji and Chen, Ze-Peng and He, Lin-Hai and Chen, Yu-Gen and Zhang, Wei
Journal: World Journal of Gastroenterology (2024): 2709--2725